Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Grand Opening of Kamitaku's Lounge - The Blog

I had a blog, why don't use it for ebil !? /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

Nya ~

Okay, MangaFox is down for 4 hours today. Kamitakus are stranded in the FaceBook. What would happen next ? Stay tuned...
JK JK. Seems that MangaFox is fully down, BE is unaccessible = \(OAO)/
Now, they are ranting about random stuff, from Pokemon to Bush got hit by a shoe.

Good thing that happen today - Kamitaku's Lounge has reached the 100k post, exactly one day before our 3rd month anniversary. As the co-creator, I am happy and proud, to have these awesome members, making the thread livelier. We got our dose of TWGOK last week, and still waiting for this week of Vulkiyo's action.

PS: My first time doing stuff on a blog, excuse the lameness. Need some pro makeover, lulz.